Graduate Assistant Resources

As a graduate assistant, you play an important role in the fulfillment of UMD's mission to provide meaningful educational experiences to undergraduate students and support excellence in research and creative activities. In return, the University supports your graduate education, and provides you with opportunities for developing your own research and teaching skills. You may find the links on this page helpful in answering your questions about graduate assistant employment policies and benefits, as well as a place to find useful resources to support your teaching.

Center for Educational Innovation - Offers workshops and professional development on the UMTC campus for graduate teaching assistants.

Graduate Assistant Employment - Human Resources page

Graduate Assistant Employment Policy - for questions about eligibility for GA appointments, pay, benefits, work rules, and a range of other topics related to employment as a graduate assistant

Graduate Assistant Handbook - under revision. See Graduate Student Handbook for policy information.

Graduate Assistant Health Plan - for students holding eligible appointments of 25% or greater

HR Calendars - Paydays, appointment dates

National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity - resources for successful transitions through academic careers and professional development and mentoring

Tuition Benefits - Changes in your appointment percentage or contract dates may affect the amount of your tuition benefit. Be sure to contact Graduate Assistant Employment Services to ask about the consequences of any changes on your benefit.

FERPA Tutorial - All teaching assistants are required to complete this training on the protection of student educational records. Log into Training Hub with your University username and password. Use the search box to find the "FERPA  Tutorial" module. Here is some helpful information on what you need to know.

For additional questions about Graduate Assistant Employment, please contact [email protected].

Title IX Notice of Nondiscrimination

The University prohibits sex discrimination in any education program or activity that it operates. Individuals may report concerns or questions to the University’s Title IX Coordinator. The Notice of Nondiscrimination is linked here. Information about the University’s policies and processes for responding to sex discrimination can be found on Equal Opportunity & Title IX’s website: