Travel Support

Request for Graduate Student Travel Support

The Graduate School encourages graduate students to present at conferences as part of its mission to deliver high-quality graduate-degree programs (Strategic Plan: Campus Goal 3), and to enhance the reputation of UMD graduate programs. Students may apply for funds to be used in partial support of travel for the dissemination of their scholarly or artistic contributions associated with their graduate studies at UMD, or for research in certain limited cases. It is expected that the student will attempt to secure other support for travel through their advisor, program, department, and college. Students receiving funding from the Graduate Office may be asked to give a brief presentation of their work as part of our GRAD Talks series upon their return.


  • You must be presenting your work, as opposed to attending a conference only.
  • You must be in active status in your UMD graduate program at the time of the conference at which you will present.

What to do:

  1. Fill out the Student Travel Support application form. (Make a copy of the form here.)
  2. Share the completed form with the Director of Graduate Studies in your program​, and request their endorsement​.
  3. ​If approved, t​he DGS will use the DGS Endorsement for Travel Support google form to submit the application and a short statement of support to the UMD Graduate Office. Note:  To upload the application to the google form, first save it to your Drive, or download it as a pdf.
  4. The DGS and the student will be notified of the decision, usually within two weeks. Travel funding is generally not approved for conference attendance only; students must be presenting their work. 
  5. If ​approved, the funds will be transferred to your program office, and you will work with staff there to request reimbursement of expenses up to the awarded amount. In order to be reimbursed directly for expenses, rather than through your student account, your business purpose for travel must be for the benefit of the University. Presentation of your work at a conference benefits the University. In rare instances, students may be awarded travel funding for research only, and will be reimbursed through their student account. This may impact financial aid eligibility.

Note:  Use of University funds for travel must be in compliance with University Policy. Traveling internationally on University business requires registration of the travel. In particular, view Using Vehicles for University Business for more information about use of university vehicles, use of a rented vehicle, or use of a personal vehicle.

Per diem rates are linked here.